Urge Your Representative to Pass The Women’s Health Protection Act

On June 24, 2022, The Supreme Court overturned our constitutional right to abortion. This decision is horrific, heartbreaking, and dangerous. 

But the House of Representatives can fight back through passing the Women’s Health Protection Act.

We deserve a future where we make the decisions for our bodies and have access to safe reproductive care — no matter what our ZIP code is.

Congress can’t sit on the sidelines of the fight for abortion any longer. It’s time they fight against the Supreme Court and Republican-led anti-choice laws that are jeopardizing the health and freedom of their constituents. Our representatives must act now to codify Roe v. Wade into law now through the Women’s Health Protection Act.

The Women’s Health Protection Act protects Americans’ health and rights by:

  • Upholding the right to access abortion throughout the United States
  • Protecting against bans and medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion, including mandatory waiting periods, biased counseling, and two-trip requirements
  • Establishing a statutory right for health care professionals to provide abortion care to their patients

The fight for reproductive justice is a fight for health care, gender, and racial justice. Those who are most impacted by this decision are Black and Indigenous people of color, women, trans and gender non-conforming folks, low-income, and young people.

Urge your representative to codify Roe v. Wade into law through the WHPA so the right to abortion care is available to anyone in our country, wherever they live.