NextGen America is the largest national organization for engaging young people in voter education, registration and mobilization. We invite 18-to-35 year olds — the largest and most diverse generation in American history — into our democracy to ensure our government works for us and to find new solutions to the dire challenges facing our society and the world. Since 2013, NextGen America has registered more than 1.4 million young voters and educated millions more.
NextGen America is organized as a 501c4 nonprofit organization. The NextGen Education Fund is its affiliated 501c3 charitable organization. NextGen Voters the organization’s nonpartisan voter registration and education program.
NextGen America is embarking on a $32 million voter-outreach program aimed at reaching 9.2 million voters between the ages of 18 and 35 in eight key states in 2022. The program calls for on-the-ground field organizing in Texas, Arizona, North Carolina and Pennsylvania as well as a distributed digital organizing program in Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire and Wisconsin.
NextGen will establish community-level teams of professional organizers and community volunteers, who will conduct in-person voter outreach alongside a proven text-, phone-, and online-organizing program drawing on an existing national base of more than 25,000 supporters. In addition to registration, NextGen runs voter education and mobilization programs through mail, social media and influencer marketing, digital and traditional advertising and more.
NextGen aims to register more than 288,000 young people to vote during the 2022 election cycle, including 150,000 in Texas alone.
NextGen America contributed to the highest youth-voter turnout in U.S. history in 2020, reaching more than 10.5 million people across nearly a dozen states and motivating nearly 4.7 million to cast ballots in the November election. Across the country, NextGen reached one in every nine voters under 35 who cast a ballot in 2020. And that outreach made a demonstrable difference: of the young people registered by NextGen in 2020, 73 percent turned out to vote, compared to 60 percent of young people overall.
NextGen adjusted seamlessly to the organizing conditions of a Covid-19 pandemic, ending in-person voter-contact and building a distributed organizing team on the fly that eventually encompassed more than 25,000 volunteers. NextGen sent more than 25 million text messages, made nearly 10 million phone calls, and piloted an innovative social-media influencer program that reached more than 80 million young people.