Money in politics is silencing our voices. Together, we can fight back against corruption and restore fairness to our political system.
Wealthy individuals, corporations, and special interest groups are pouring billions of dollars into our elections, shaping laws, and buying influence at the expense of everyday Americans. This imbalance undermines the foundation of our democracy and prioritizes profits over people.
🗳️ Massive campaign contributions from billionaires and corporations give the wealthiest Americans outsized power in our elections, drowning out the voices of the people.
👔 Corporate lobbyists spend billions to influence lawmakers, often pushing policies that hurt workers, harm the environment, and benefit a select few.
💸 And instead of listening to their constituents, too many elected officials prioritize the demands of big donors who fund their campaigns.
It’s time to take bold action to stop the ultra-wealthy from controlling politics. Add your name to join the movement and demand that Congress put an end to the blatant corruption in our political system!