Tell Congress: Strengthen Gun Safety Legislation

Enough is enough. Far too many lives have been lost to gun violence in the United States — it’s time for Congress to strengthen our gun safety legislation through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA).

Congress must take action through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to:

  • Keep guns out of dangerous hands
  • Take additional steps to support communities impacted by gun violence
  • Hold the gun industry accountable

In addition, we’re calling on Congress to take further action by banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, closing background check loopholes on all gun sales, and funding resources for community-based violence intervention programs.

Every person in America deserves to feel safe in their classrooms, workplaces, and neighborhoods.

Members of Congress must listen to survivors across the country — from Orlando to Sandy Hook, Parkland to Las Vegas, Uvalde to Buffalo — all who have led the way to stop mass shootings, hate crimes, and gun homicides.

Urge Congress to strengthen our gun safety legislation to prevent more senseless tragedies.