Tell Congress: Pass the Youth Voting Rights Act

Congress has reintroduced the Youth Voting Rights Act, which will greatly expand voting rights for young people.

The Youth Voting Rights Act would make our elections more accessible to youth by:

  • Increasing voter registration and ballot opportunities on campuses
  • Requiring every state to allow pre-registration beginning at age 16
  • Creating a grant program for youth participation in elections

Every eligible voter should have access to the ballot box, but right now young people face too many unnecessary barriers that hinder our participation in democracy. As a result — despite being the largest eligible voting bloc in the country — young people don’t vote at the same rates as older adults.

To truly represent the will of the people, we must make it easier to vote so we can maximize participation in our elections. This legislation will safeguard our rights, fight back against voter suppression, and boost turnout in our elections.

Write to your members of Congress and urge them to pass the Youth Voting Rights Act.