Washington, D.C. — Last Thursday, NextGen America hosted a press conference amplifying young peoples’ response to Donald Trump’s first two weeks in office. The call included speakers from: NAACP Youth & College, Alliance for Youth Action, Human Rights Campaign, Climate Power, and United We Dream and addressed a variety of issues important to young people, including voting rights, climate justice, immigrant rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, and racial justice.
Excerpts from the speaker’s remarks are below.
Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, NextGen America President:
“Young people are the most diverse generation in American history and they will inherit the greatest consequences of the actions of the Trump Administration. In the past two weeks, we have seen this threat come to life as our rights are being rolled back and our entire futures put into jeopardy. For many of us on this call, it is not surprising to see a government that isn’t responsive to our needs, because this administration is more stacked with billionaires than any administration in American history. But throughout history, it has always been young people who have been at the forefront of progress – whether it’s the Civil Rights movement or Stonewall, when our communities stand together, we win.
“And now, with our rights and our livelihoods on the line, the stakes are too high. In our movement for change there are no off years. It’s always the season to be organized. It’s always the season to be fighting back. In the months and years ahead, rather than exhausting ourselves reacting to each new indignity, we must expose the throughline between attacks and remain consistent and determined. And we’re proud to work with our partners and support each other to make sure that we defend the rights and gains of America’s young people.”
Derrick Lewis, NAACP Youth & College Interim National Director:
“Right now, we are witnessing policy that is an outright rollback of rights that my elders and the NAACP have fought tirelessly to protect, advance, and expand for the Black community. Just in this last week, the Trump administration has put a target on Black Americans, but most particularly Black youth. Trump’s complete dismantling of DEI programs is not just out of touch with the direction of the world, it is dangerous and simply foolish. The Trump Administration are allowing their racist ideology to drive this country backward, undermining our ability to compete in a global economy. We cannot allow this to happen. This is exactly why the organizations are here gathered today and it is why we exist. We are committed to organizing our youth locally, statewide, nationally, and on the federal level for the issues that directly impact Black communities, but most importantly, all youth.”
Antonieta Cádiz Vargas, Climate Power Deputy Executive Director for Climate Power En Acción:
“We are witnessing an unprecedented attack on the very soul of our nation—on immigration, racial justice, climate action, environmental justice, and so much more. It is not surprising to see young people walking out of schools in protest, or waves of calls in congressional offices. Republican’s Project 2025 agenda is materializing, and we are left wondering what happens with our families, with our kids, with our friends, with our lives. The Republican majority is prioritizing the interest of big corporations, pushing through an extremist agenda that affects all of us, regardless of our party affiliation. While this moment is scary, we can stop the harm of the Trump Administration and we can do something about it. So we are here, and we are ready to fight back.”
Brandon Wolf, Human Rights Campaign National Press Secretary:
“We say that liberty and justice should be for all. Voters, especially young voters, have made clear that they simply want the chance to get a good education, to build a career, to make a family, to make a good life for themselves and those that they love. But Donald Trump and his gaggle of billionaire stooges are doing exactly what they said they would do throughout the campaign cycle – they are standing between people in this country and our freedoms. Already, we’ve seen the president sign Executive Actions that end the careers of thousands of military service members simply because of who they are. But there’s a problem with that agenda. There’s a problem with that message. The diverse, equitable and inclusive future that the right wing is so terrified of is already here. They can’t stop the train because it’s already left the station. At every point when they have said we couldn’t, we responded by saying we will. So Donald Trump might think he can overrule the United States constitution and this country’s laws with the wave of a Sharpie. But that is not how this works. The next chapter is ours as young people to write. We are going to have to fight. It has always been young people whose impatience for progress and unwavering ability to imagine something better for this country guides the way for all of us.”
Michelle Ming, United We Dream Political Director:
“This past week, we’ve seen the start of Trump’s term of terror. It’s been chock full of hateful anti-immigrant policies, just like they promised. This Administration is targeting immigrants at every turn and already carrying out raids, detentions, and deportations at an unprecedented scale. And as young people, we aren’t stupid. We aren’t naive. We know that Trump is acting with impunity to ruin the lives of everyone including immigrants in order to line the pockets of him and his billionaire friends. We’re already seeing the harmful consequences, as fearful workers haven’t shown up to their jobs, students haven’t come to school, and patients have chosen to not seek medical care.
“However, immigrant young people and our allies have been strategizing and preparing for months to ensure that we’re ready to protect each other, even when we know that our lives and safety are at risk. To do this, we’re calling on our elected officials at the state, local, and federal levels to boldly push back on the oncoming attacks. They must proactively shore up any and all protections for immigrants immediately, and we must collectively move with the speed and courage this moment demands of us – because we know that home is here, families belong together, and immigrants are here to stay.”
Rudy Garrett, Alliance for Youth Action VP of Capacity Building:
“As leaders at the federal level work to deregulate our education systems, roll back protections that ensure our communities have equitable access to the ballot box, and threaten young people’s ability to organize and make their voices heard, we know that we need to support our young people, educate them, mobilize them, and then also keep them safe as they fight for themselves and their communities.
“This past election taught us that we have a lot of hard work to do to reach out to more young people. Year round organizing and civic education has always been the answer to mobilizing young people, and it will continue to be the answer to organize more young people, especially during these trying times. We are what we need. The Alliance is committed to this, and I know our partners are committed to this. So, as we continue to fight together, we are continuing to root ourselves in the experiences of our communities on the ground, we are listening, and we are supporting young people to have the resources they need and the knowledge they need to continue to fight.”
About NextGen America
NextGen America is the leading national organization for engaging young people through voter education, registration and mobilization. We invite 18-to-29 year olds — the largest and most diverse generation in American history — into our democracy to ensure our government works for them and to find new solutions to the dire challenges facing our society and the world. Since 2013, NextGen America has registered over 1.6 million young voters, empowering the next generation to lead and drive lasting change.