NextGen America Reacts to MAGA Supreme Court Justices Ruling in Trump v. United States

In response to the Supreme Court ruling in ‘Trump v. United States,’ NextGen America President Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez released the following statement:

“Today the MAGA justices of the Supreme Court enabled a shocking betrayal of justice and accountability. By granting some immunity for presidents from prosecution for official acts, and therefore increasing the odds that Trump will not face trial for his flagrant efforts to subvert the 2020 election, the billionaire-backed MAGA justices demonstrate yet again that they are too drunk on their own power to uphold the rule of law. This ruling sets a horrific precedent allowing the president to operate like a king above the law.

“This November, the American people must deliver the judgment these corrupt justices have denied us, and elect a president who will appoint justices that respect our rights and protect our freedoms. NextGen America will organize young people to turn out in droves this November to ensure that everyone – even the president – is held accountable under the law.”


About NextGen America

NextGen America is the leading national organization for engaging young people through voter education, registration and mobilization. We invite 18-to-35 year olds — the largest and most diverse generation in American history — into our democracy to ensure our government works for them and to find new solutions to the dire challenges facing our society and the world. Since 2013, NextGen America has registered more than 1.3 million young voters and contacted 9.6 million young eligible voters during the historic 2022 midterm elections.