NextGen America Responds to Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick

In response to former President Donald Trump’s official appointment of J.D. Vance as his vice presidential candidate at the first day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, NextGen America President Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez released the following statement:

“Donald Trump’s pick of Ohio Senator J.D. Vance for his running mate is a blatant disregard for the values of young Americans. Young people prioritize tackling the climate crisis, achieving economic justice, and safeguarding reproductive rights. Vance, who has received over $300,000 from oil and gas interests and profits heavily from fossil fuel investments, stands starkly against everything we believe in. Throughout his career and tenure in the Senate, Vance has consistently denied climate science, labeled climate change a ‘scam,’ opposed electric vehicle incentives, and actively supported policies to expand oil and gas production. He staunchly opposes reproductive rights with no exceptions, while attacking IVF and LGBTQ+ rights. His recent praise of dystopian anti-democratic Project 2025 further underscores his regressive agenda.

“The official Republican ticket with Vance represents a dangerous step backward, threatening the progress we’ve made and the future we strive to build.

“While Vance may be younger, his ideas and vision for the future are dangerously archaic. Our generation is not represented by Trump and Vance. We deserve leaders who reflect our diversity and share our commitment to an equitable and just future. J.D. Vance’s nomination is a threat to our environment and our rights. We face a critical choice this election – between a future shaped by our shared progressive values or one dominated by a regressive agenda that protects the elite at the expense of our democracy and the planet. Unless we want to rollback 50 years of progress, we must take decisive action to mobilize and vote in November. Our voices and votes are crucial in rejecting this dangerous agenda and electing leaders who champion our vision for a sustainable and inclusive America.”