Young Voters Respond to President Biden’s Executive Actions Protecting Immigrants and Keeping Families Together

In response to the President Biden’s executive actions providing a legal pathway for Dreamers and undocumented spouses and children of U.S. citizens, NextGen America President Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez released the following statement:

“Today, President Biden and Vice President Harris are building on their strong immigration record and taking bold action to keep American families together. Today’s executive actions will impact Dreamers and the spouses and children of U.S. citizens, allowing them to legally remain and work in the country they’ve called home. This is a win for young people, our families, our economy, and our country. These actions provide a sense of relief to millions, building a stronger opportunity for a path to citizenship.

“A majority of Americans back a balanced approach to immigration, and today’s announcements represent that view and the wishes of the people. As President Biden and Vice President Harris deliver on their promise to create solutions and fix our broken immigration system, let’s not forget that Trump and MAGA Republicans have a legacy of separating families and furthering xenophobia and hatred. President Biden’s actions today show the results of electing leaders who believe in justice, compassion, and community. As we look forward to Election Day, NextGen America is proud to continue organizing young people to turnout and elect leaders who fight for immigrant justice and are committed to building a better future for all.”


About NextGen America

NextGen America is the leading national organization for engaging young people through voter education, registration and mobilization. We invite 18-to-35 year olds — the largest and most diverse generation in American history — into our democracy to ensure our government works for them and to find new solutions to the dire challenges facing our society and the world. Since 2013, NextGen America has registered more than 1.3 million young voters and contacted 9.6 million young eligible voters during the historic 2022 midterm elections.