Young Voters Respond to Republicans Blocking the Right to Contraception Act

In response to Republicans in Congress blocking the Right to Contraception Act, NextGen America President Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez released the following statement:

“Young voters across the country applaud Senate Democrats for introducing the Right to Contraception Act last week, a bill which would protect our right to condoms, IUDs, the pill, emergency contraception, and other forms of contraception. However, despite overwhelming public support, nearly every Republican senator voted to block this crucial legislation, demonstrating a complete disregard for the wishes of the American people. Once again, extremist MAGA Republicans showed up to attack our rights, determined to take us back in time and block access to basic healthcare. This fight isn’t going away anytime soon, and it’s clear that only one political party is determined to stand up and protect our rights.

“The right to choose if, when, and how to have children is a private matter and should be safeguarded from political interference. Young people deserve to have all the tools they need to stay healthy and plan for their future and their family — including access to emergency contraception. Ahead of Election Day, NextGen America is committed to educating, engaging, and mobilizing young voters to show up and use their voice to elect leaders who protect access to contraception and abortion and fight for our values.”


About NextGen America

NextGen America is the leading national organization for engaging young people through voter education, registration and mobilization. We invite 18-to-35 year olds — the largest and most diverse generation in American history — into our democracy to ensure our government works for them and to find new solutions to the dire challenges facing our society and the world. Since 2013, NextGen America has registered more than 1.3 million young voters and contacted 9.6 million young eligible voters during the historic 2022 midterm elections.